Valley of the Trolls
This captivating landscape, known as the 'Valley of the Trolls,' is nestled within the Mt Aspiring National Park on the South Island of Aotearoa New Zealand. Taken during the summer months of 2022, it marks one of the initial quests into capturing the beauty of my outdoor adventures.
The Valley of the Trolls is a spectacular location just a small adventure off the busy Routeburn track. It is accessed via a boggy and less travelled path starting from the Harris Saddle, taking you through the valley marked by many rockfalls and steep valley walls.
A moderate ascent up to Lake Wilson unveils a breathtaking view over the valley, with Lake Harris, Ocean Peak, and the Hollyford Valley being notable features visible in the distance. It is important to note that this location requires some level of experience in the mountainous terrain of the Alps especially during the colder months.
While the origin of the name remains unclear, it's speculated to be linked to its appearance in the Lord of the Rings movies. Despite its proximity to the main Routeburn trail, the Valley of the Trolls offers a special escape, inviting exploration away from the usual crowds.